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PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering: University of Colorado at Boulder
BS, Chemical Engineering: University of New Hampshire


Peter Mitrano, PhD, was awarded the Max S. Peters Outstanding Graduate Award for his graduate research at the University of Colorado at Boulder focusing on granular and gas-solids flows. His work on high-Knudsen granular flows was highlighted in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, and he has given two international, invited lectures including a keynote talk at Fluidization XIV in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.

Published Work 

Mitrano, P. P., J. R. Zenk, S. Benyahia, J. E. Galvin, S. R. Dahl, C. M. Hrenya. Kinetic-theory-based predictions of clustering instabilities in granular flows: beyond the small-Knudsen regime. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids) 738, R2 (2014).

Mitrano P. P., V. Garzo, C. M. Hrenya. Instabilities in moderately dense granular binary mixtures. Physical Review E 89(2): 020201, Rapid Communication (2014).

Yin, X., J. R. Zenk, P. P. Mitrano, C. M. Hrenya, Impact of collisional versus viscous dissipation on flow instabilities in gas-solid systems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids) 727, R2 (2013).

Mitrano, P. P., S. R. Dahl, A. M. Hilger, C.J. Ewasko, C. M. Hrenya, Dual role of friction in granular flows: attenuation versus enhancement of instabilities, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 729, 484 (2013).

Mitrano, P. P., V. Garzo, A. M. Hilger, C. J. Ewasko, C. M. Hrenya, Assessing a dynamic description for instabilities in highly dissipative, freely cooling granular gases, Physical Review E 85, 041303 (2012).

Mitrano, P. P., S. R. Dahl, D. J. Cromer, M. S. Pacella, C. M. Hrenya, Instabilities in the homogeneous cooling system of a granular gas: A quantitative assessment of kinetic-theory-based predictions, Physics of Fluids 23, 093303 (2011). 

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